Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Nightshade Battleteam

Report #29

Week ending Thursday March 27th

Commander: SBM Jaron Kai

There was talk of treason in the air, CHAN Shadonyx and DGM Mairin Astoris were called away from their duties in the Dark Brotherhood to face a panel of Inquisitors at the High Court on Aurora Prime for charges unknown. As a result, the Dark Brotherhood immediately suspended their efforts in the Great Jedi War, preventing chaos from ensuing. Taking advantage of the lull in activity, House Caliburnus turned its focus from without to within, SBM Jaron Kai stepped forward and spoke, "House Caliburnus is weakening as we speak, we have lost many members in this war and for other reasons, now is the time to replenish our strength, your efforts will be well rewarded!"


- The CHAN and DGM are before the HCI, so the GJW wargame is on hold.  Gidda has started a recruitment comp to fill the void, see the Competitions section for details  

- Phase Two of the GJW IS STILL ON! Details are at:  All Sith and Open events need to be in by March 31st, so hurry up, you're running out of time!  

- Congratz to our new PCON Khaen, the position of HDS Quaestor is open for applications!  

- Welcome to our newest member, SW Azazel!  


SBM Jaron Kai - IRC/E-mail contact  

SBM Eugene - No contact, fly for the GJW and keep me updated about your student  

GRD Diedre Varn - No contact, participate in the GJW!  

JH Ace Hobbes - E-mail/IRC Contact  

DJK Falcon - IRC contact  

GRD Ketan-Shej - Participate in the GJW Phase 2!  

DJK Terek Kesh - No contact, participate in the GJW!  

SW Azazel - IRC/E-mail Contact  


Star of Eos >>> SBM Jaron Kai  

Crescent with Sapphire Star >>> SBM Jaron Kai  

Crescent with Sapphire Star >>> JH Ace Hobbes  




SW Azazel >>> Nightshade (from Rogues)  


Caliburnus Recruiting Competition

Starting Date: 03/30/2003

Ending Date: 04/30/2003


Cr-S for best recruiter

Cr-E for second best recruiter

Cr-T for third best recruiter


Aim of the competition is to recruit as more people as possible in Caliburnus. Participants will receive points depending on how many people they recruit and their DB rank.

Scores will be the following:

  • 1 point for APP

  • 2 points for NOV - ACO

  • 3 points for PRT - JH

  • 4 Points for DJK

  • 5 points for SW

  • 6 points for SBM

  • 10 points for SBL and above

Recruitment from other Clans is severely forbidden and if a member of another Clan spontaneously ask to join Caliburnus no points will be awarded. If a member of CSP creates a Sith clone it will be considered like a recruited Apprentice.

Questions? E-mail Gidda at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


- Catchy name, eh?  Anyway, each mission you fly, and each CF you earn counts for one point.  Any submissions for House Flying Comp, SSL or Dark Jedi Games count double! The person with the most points earns a Emerald Star , second place gets an Topaz Star, third gets a Quartz Star. Competition runs from March 1st to March 31st!  Remember, all GJW SP submissions count for two points.  Any GJW MP match counts for one point, if you win the match, you'll get two points, so get out there and battle!  I'll also give two points for each trivia submission!  


JH Ace Hobbes - 79 Points

GRD Ketan-Shej - 4 Points


  • Get those GJW Sith events, Phase 2 is STILL ON!



Submitted by:

SBM Jaron Kai (Sith)/CMDR/Caliburnus of Scholae Palatinae





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