Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

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House Summit

Quaestor: TBA ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Aedile: Sabé ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Oathmaster: Timbal ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tetrarch, Drynwyn's Flame: Alisande ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Tetrarch, Dragon Guard: Cymbre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

**Envoy: Anga ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])


Welcome all, to this week's report.

The House History Comp is over. Congratulations to our winner, Corde Aghasett. His entry earned him a nice War Cross from our esteemed ex-QUA and competition judge, Cooch. Those of you who got in submissions, great work, there were a lot of good entries. Shame on any DFers who didn't send in - unless I was just not cc'd and everyone did get something in on time ;-)

Also congratulations to** our new **House Envoy (CCE) Anga Salinas and new Clan Envoy (KCE) Corde Aghasett. Other medals/elevations/transfers info is included in Oathmaster Timbal's report.

Now, onto my baby - the Muder Mystery League =) We have only ONE more scenario to solve and I want more participation than we had this last week. HAD is way out in the lead as of the last round of posted scores, but that does not mean we can relax. In fact, since the comp is nearly over and there will soon be fun and medals to be had, I would encourage everyone to read the final scenario, which will be out Sunday, and email me to participate. My thanks to everyone who has helped to make us #1 so far, and continues to keep us there.

Also, KP Cirith Rogenshar, who is in charge of getting together the Dark Voice, the DB newsletter, has asked me to pass along the following info. You guys can get awards for helping with this, as well as having your work seen by all of the DB.

The format is:

  • Editorial

  • The best submissions of Fiction, NonFiction and Poetry

  • The best graphics (only one per candidate per issue)

  • TIE/Jedi Knight missions, if any are made

  • Q&A from the Herald and Oracle

  • Specialist Articles

All work must be submitted by the 15th of each month in order to be included in that month's issue. Send to Cirith ([Log in to view e-mail addresses][Log in to view e-mail addresses]) with the heading "Dark Voice Submission" and include your full ID line. Please also cc me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) so I can see which little minions are doing good work ;-) All submissions earn a medal, and those judged best can bring in higher medals.

If anyone is interested in doing a special article, contact Cirith. He is looking for regular contributors to write about Star Wars subjects and do writing tutorials.

That's quite a bit right there, and as usual we have our Activities section below, so I'll wrap it up. As always, I'll end by saying for everyone to please feel free to email me any time, for any reason. Questions, comments, criticism... it's all good =) Until next week,

Respectfully submitted,

**Archpriestess Sabé Dracaena

**Aedile, Acclivis Draco and Magistrate to the Herald


_"That which does not kill me...

had better be able to run away damn fast&quot;  




_(*Remember to cc the House Summit on anything you submit to outside activities!)


Murder Mystery League

It's covered in my report, as usual =) Last scenario out Sunday, email me to participate, the last answer will be due the following Saturday.

**Krath Monthly Competition

**The topic for the month is "The Initiation." Write anything this topic means to you, and send it to KHP Mairin Astoris ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]). Check the Krath site, http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath for more info. A hint from Cooch, if you guys wrote stories of your own "joining the DB" for the history comp, they might be usable in this one.

**Message Board/Run-Ons

**Check http://pub47.ezboard.com/bkarvadronaal for other news, discussion, run-ons, etc.

**Dark Voice

**Also covered in the body of my report. Send your submissions of writing, graphics, etc. to Cirith ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) by the 15th of each month to have your work published in the DB newsletter, and email Cirith if you are interested in becoming a regular contributor.

Master/Student Program

KE Karva Dronaal / ACO Loor

KAP Cuchulain / GRD Alisande Sayeesa

KAP Sabe Dracaena / JH Corde Aghasett

DJK Timbal / PRT Anga Salinas

If you want a master or can take a student, please email me ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) and I will try to get you set up. We are especially in need of more Masters, anyone ranked DJK or above who would be willing please let me know.


Aedile's Report


Submitted above as A-QUA.


Oathmaster's Report


Greetings, Tetrarchs, Aedile of House Acclivis Draco, and Consul and Proconsul of Clan Scholae Palatinae;

This is this week's OM report:

<x-tab> </x-tab>1) Hola! This is the first report that I've done since I've returned from my leave, and since I've been trying to catch up on the insane amount of emails that I've gotten over the week I've been gone, so I must apologize for this late email. Anyway, here we go!

<x-tab> </x-tab>2) Medal Awards Of The Week:

<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>KAP Sabé - Steel Cross (Two o' them! Impressive!), Bronze Scroll

<x-tab> </x-tab><x-tab> </x-tab>JH Corde Aghasett - War Cross

<x-tab> </x-tab>3) We have lost one of our members in a horrible accident on one of our missions.... Read the Run-on for details.

<x-tab> </x-tab>4) Room Assignments: Some of you have emailed me your preferences once again, do not worry, hopefully by next week the final list will be published.

<x-tab> </x-tab>5) MSC is still on! As I write this, we have around 4 hours left.... Send in your submissions! BTW, what is the topic about? =P

<x-tab> </x-tab>6) Random Quote of the Week: "To steal information from a person is called plagiarism. To steal information from the enemy is called gathering intelligence."

That is all for now!

For the glory of the Empire,

DJK Timbal (Krath)/OM/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae, SC/DC/(BNP)

"He who laughs last, laughs best. I usually laugh last, scum." - Personal Motto


Drynwyn's Flame Report

Greetings all!

The Cooch Comp is finished!

Anga, Timbal, Stalker, Corde and myself submitted. Jay and Iul, if you submitted and didn't mail me please send me a copy of your submission by the end of the week or I will have to remove you from your spots in the DF.

If you are interested you should go check out Corde's submission as he has shown us all up. http://aghasett.tripod.com/tabularium/

Amazing work!

There has also been a suggestion to change hosts for the message boards. Since activity on them has been so low I would like to encourage you to check out proboards and see if switching systems might give an added incentive to post.


Check them out then tell me what you think!

At this point in time the only comp thats going on is the Krath comp! The topic is "The Initiation" mail your entry to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]; stories or poems accepted, must be in .doc or .txt format, must be 1.5 pages minimum or longer, and can be entered by all -

more details at http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath

Now to take my life in my hands and make a bet. Going on the information that we have another judge for this months comp....if "Cuddly StalkaBunny" submits I will bet that he wins.

Till next week!



Heya everyone. What’s up? I hope everything is going fine fine fine for all of you…


__*** HAD is still in first in the MML. I think its gonna pretty much stay that way, but it’d be nice if you all at least helped out in the last one or two scenarios (if you haven’t already). E-mail Sabe with your ideas.

  • Cooch has become our PCON!!! So right now Sabe is acting as QUA and applications for QUA are being taken.

  • DG needs a new motto. Think of one or I’ll make Sunrider do it. Then you’ll have to hear him bitch and moan even more. Heheh…if enough of you do, maybe we can vote on it.

XO's Corner


Greetings members of Dragon Guard, I won't go on like I did last week so just a few things.

This week I realized that postin' on a MB was actually not as bad as it seems so I suggest you all should try it.

And last thing, we Krath have the biggest influence on CSP's IRC channel, but what would be even better is if we could get more of HAD's members on IRC (Internet Relay Channels)...so if any of you need to know how to get on IRC, email me and i'll be more then willin' to tell ya.

'Nuff said for NOW

PRT Sunrider (Krath)/Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae



  • Krath Monthly Topic for November – “The Initiation” – you have a month to get it to Mai and Ciara!

  • Check out all our MBs for run-ons and fun posting…just don’t get out of control. I’ve noticed a few of ya posting lately. Good job, keep it up and those of you that don’t even LOOK at the MB, follow in the foot steps of your fellow DGers.

  • MML – read the newest scenario and e-mail Sabe with ideas ASAP!

  • If you’re any good at html or building websites, let me know!!! I keep trying to improve ours, but it never works!

  • DG…motto…think…make it cool….

Am I DONE?!? I’ve never talked so little in my life…ok, you guys must’ve lucked out this week.

**_~ Cym

_**JH Cymbre Kall (Krath) / Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae, BZ/DC-KC/(GN)/(BNG)

Tetrarch of Dragon Guard

~ Nothing is as it seems...remember that...~ at http://zap.to/cymbre

~ Brock! ~ at http://crash.to/bubblex

"I like to experience life in all its agonizing glory..."



Acclivis Draco Homepage: http://www22.brinkster.com/saitou/

Acclivis Draco Message Board: http://pub47.ezboard.com/fkarvadronaalfrm6

Scholae Palatinae Homepage: http://www20.brinkster.com/msimon15/clan/index.html

Scholae Palatinae Message Board: http://pub47.ezboard.com/bkarvadronaal

Krath Homepage: http://sa.ehintel.org/Krath

Dark Brotherhood Page: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp

_If you have other links you think should be included here, email [Log in to view e-mail addresses].


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