SIT Results


SIT Results

now, this would have been posted earlier, if I could have made my mind up earlier. remember I announced a special prize two weeks ago? I was serious about that. I got approval to award _one squadron of X-wings. _

Tarentum managed a 9-8 score, with 4 people playing.

Scholae Palatinae managed a 9-3 score, with 1 person playing.

now, this is where the problem was. Tar had more activity, Scholae had a better ratio. in the end, after talking to both clan summits, I decided on a tie, and both clans get half a squadron, ie: _6 X-wings. _

congrats to both clans.

Personal SIT points:

Beowulf: 8 points

RevengeX: 12 points

Bane: 3 points

Gaius Julius Caesar: 6 points

Sashar: 3 points

Sephiroth Storm: 3 points

Aabsdu: 2 points

Sikes Aurelius: 3 points

the Clans:

Arcona: 3

Plagueis: 8

Scholae Palatinae: 12

Tarentum: 17

total points shall be updated ASAP.

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