Cyris Oscura appointed to Herald!


Cyris Oscura appointed to Herald!


Not much of a surprise to anyone, Cyris has been slated to be the next Herald for a long while. Kaine has recommended him for the spot, and I do agree that he is the proper choice.

As you all know, Cyris is very talented graphically, and has a lot of great ideas to use in innovating the office. He has the initiative to get a lot of great work done, and I believe he will do well to fill in where Kaine left off.

So, congratulations, Cyris.


Congrats Cyris. Can't wait to see what else comes out of your hat.

Does this mean we can get out Banners faster?

The Herald is dead, long live the Herald! :P Can we also poke you about the Seal of Conquest image? skitters off

I have a better topic Saitou, where the heck are the new tunics ?!?!? Congratulation Cyris btw =P

"Does this mean we can get out Banners faster?"


Congrats Cyris ;)

w00t! Drinks on Cyris!

Be wary, Cyris.

W00T! Congrats Cyris! May your reign be as long and progressive as Kaine's.

Grats Cyris. Your the right peep for the job. :-)

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