Episode III: Revenge of the Sith on sale next week


Episode III: Revenge of the Sith on sale next week

"Based on the screenplay of the movie, Star Wars: Episode III, the novel brings the epic full circle, revealing at last just how the young Jedi, Anakin Skywalker, became the most evil villain in the galaxy, Darth Vader, and father to Luke and Leia. When the novel opens, the Clone Wars are still in full cry, and numerous Jedi have already been lost. Anakin is struggling with his dual life: Jedi Knight and husband (in secret) to Padme Amidala. The time is drawing near for the machiavellian Darth Sidious--the Sith Lord determined to wrest control of the galaxy from the Republic--to draw tight the noose he has been creating around Anakin Skywalker...and create a new Sith Lord with unmatched dark-side Force powers...Possibly the most anticipated Star Wars movie of all time, Star Wars: Episode III at last tells the tale of how the young Jedi Anakin Skywalker became Darth Vader, the most feared villain in the galaxy. The novel will go "behind the scenes" into the characters' thoughts as well as expand on scenes seen in the movie."

Just figured everyone who doesn't mind finding out what happens early might like to know that the novel is set for release in just over a weeks time. The wait is almost over!

US Release: 2nd April
UK Release: 7th April

I figure while we're on the topic of novels everyone might like to know that Outbound Flight it set for release on October 25th. This is the concluding part in the seven part Thrawn Series written by Tim Zahn so might interest a lot of the oldies among us.


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