Krath Announcements


Krath Announcements

Greetings all... not a whole lot this week, but enough to keep us happy and tide us over a bit till next week I think.

1: My new Magistrate (I know you've all been waiting with open ears for this one) will be JH Timeros of Qel-Droma. I received some extremely good applications, and in the end it was felt that a younger member would provide us with more insight into the lower ranks than we currently have on the Krath Staff, and provide them with a voice within that staff. I would like to thank all those who applied - it's only a shame that I couldn't hire you all!

2: The Murder Mystery League deadline has been extended to 6th October 2001. This was due to there being some confusion in how the competition worked. I hope that that's been cleared up, however if you still don't understand/are having problems with the competition, please do get in touch with me and I'll try and help out.

3: I finally got my butt in gear this week and shipped out a bunch of SA Courses. Those are hopefully going to be released as soon as Mejas has his site finished. I'll be continuing with writing other courses and tests for the SA project in the meantime.

4: Don't forget to visit the Krath message board at:! Fun, friendly chit-chat and the odd weird run-on to be had by all!

5: The Krath website is at Here you can:

Find the latest scoops on the Krath Order!

Sign up for a cool account!

Vote in funky polls!

Find out the latest Krath Monthly Topic!

And much much more...! (no cookie shop as yet, sorry)

6: Sign up for the Krath Mailing List at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] ! Here you can talk to your comrades, get advice, and generally mess about. It's fun, it's free, so do it today!

7: Now I did all my advertising... :P I'm leaving for university tomorrow morning. I have arranged for internet access in my dorm room, but the ethernet ports may not be enlivened for a few days after I arrive, so I will be relegated to using a hugely overused computer room. I will still be able to check my email and carry out normal functions, but may not be on IRC as much as usual. I'm calling it a "hemidemisemileave" because I'm not really on leave, and no business should be left unattended. I hope to be back to IRC with a vengeance by next Saturday at the latest.

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