Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Opening Fiction (The "plot" has taken a slight deviation from the previous two)

Commander Zod Ramiel stood outside the quarters of Quaestor-designate Driftan Housan within Selen's Citadel. Instead of his Battleteam armor, the Jedi Hunter was dressed in his robes of rank, complete with a black hood that he drew across his head as Driftan emerged from the quarters; the Quaestor-designate himself garbed in the ceremonial robes of Qel-Droma.

"Are you ready, sir?" asked the Epicanthix Sith.

"Indeed, Commander. But why such pomp and ceremony is required for a simple changing of station? It's not like the Consul..." Housan mused as the two began to walk down the long corridor that would deposit them on the under-balcony where the most important ceremonies, save for the crowning of a Consul or naming of an Arcoane were conducted.

As they meandered along the way, Zod seemingly motioned to the shadows and from barely visible alcoves. three more Wolf Guards formed up behind their Commander; Major Joseph VanWyck, Lieutenant Cora Tyree, and Captain Tam Zerik.

VanWyck was in identical attire to Zod, except for the red slash on his robe's sleeve that denoted the latter as a Battleteam Leader, while Tyree and Zerik were in full military dress uniforms (since they were not Dark Jedi).

"I think you'll find, sir, that this ceremony has attracted quite some important... clientèle. Therefore, the pomp is required" Zod explained.

"As is the additional security? I can feel squads of snipers and ground forces out there Zod. Units with discipline unlike our own" Driftan stated and the Wolf Guard CO merely nodded.

"You'll see, sir" was all he said.

Then, their journey came to an end and, with Driftan Housan leading, the five emerged into the bright sunlight of the Selenian morning.

And standing there waiting was not the Consul, Sashar Erinos Arconae, but three members of the Grandmaster's Royal Guard. On a silent command, the three parted and revealed a man of great power and even greater reputation...the Deputy Grandmaster.

"Driftan Housan...Celahir Erinos. Kneel" commanded Darth Sarin as the aforementioned Consul and his new Proconsul appeared behind Qel-Droma's Quaestor-designate.

Knowing that this was not a moment for him or his men, Commander Zod Ramiel smiled at his superior and then montioned his men to the periphery of the under-balcony.

News --Of the Brotherhood--

*Biggest news around the block are on a couple of Dark Council position changes: 1) After well over 2 years, Adept Aabsdu Dupar retires as Headmaster of the Shadow Academy and ventures to wherever the hell Sigma Horizon is to join House Revan.

2) Ma'ar-Tyrius Ga-Tir (aka Smoke20) is the first Fist of the Brotherhood! Smoke is already hard at work, having gotten the Gaming Department caught up with the awarding of Pendants of Blood, Clusters of Fire, and the final Novae from the Rite of Supremacy. Send your congratulations to him!

*Also concerning the Dark Council is the newest addition to the Praetorian Diet...our very own Driftan Housan takes up the mantle as Praetor to the Master-At-Arms. You can bet that some whiny-ass other Clanners are already coming up with "biased" rumors. Oh well, they're wrong.

*New competitions from the Brotherhood are abound, these come from the Department of the Voice, courtesy of Krath Priest Raimi Mistwalker. Titled "Weekly Missions" they'll be exactly what the name suggests. Missions (fictions) spanning a week in length that require you to pen an indepth work that truly assesses your character. So no, even if your godmodding is the coolest thing written since George Lucas originally wrote Star Wars, you won't win. Stick with what your character can belivably do! Linkage will be provided farther into the report.

That's about it for the Brotherhood-wide News; you can always check the main site to read other Consul's reports and competition reminders.

--Of the Clan-- *Ok, we've got some real awesomness going on here. If you couldn't tell from my report's intro fiction, Celahir Erinos...yes, Quaestor Celahir Erinos, is our brand new Proconsul! Send massive kudos to him! I know that Cel will do a great job as PCON, just like he did as QUA. :D

*In relation to our new PCON, Consul Sashar put out a Clan Address announcing Cel's ascension to PCON, a piece of news that I will cover in House News, and the promise of a report in the next couple of days that will, among other things, install someone as the newest member of Arcona's Elite.

Stay tuned for some pretty sweet changes within Arcona coming to Galeres or Qel-Droma soon! A few hints are: **Classified, **Restricted, and **Forbidden* Ohh, ouch. Sorry, guys, SOL :P But rest assured that they'll be awesome and for the better. What more can you ask for?

*Dark Jedi Wuntila is a new transfer to Arcona, straight from Clan Plagueis! He went to Galeres as that's where fellow ex-Plagueins Cethgus and Sanguinius are but even so, give him a warm Arconan welcome!

--Of the House-- *Now, despite Celahir being a man of many talents, he obviously cannot hold the position of Quaestor Qel-Droma and Proconsul Arcona at the same time so it is with great pride that I reiterate from Sashar that Dark Jedi Knight Driftan Housan is our brand new Quaestor! Send him massive kudos, Sith knows he's worked for it and defenitely deserves it. Which in turn leads to item #2...

*House Aedile applications are now being taken to look for Driftan's successor. An e-mail was sent out to the Clan regarding the what was expected of a possible AED but I'll highlight a few things.

1) JH or higher as a rank 2) Good e-mail turnaround time 3) Desire to interact with and assist new members 4) Considerable mIRC presence

^Oh and by the way, even though we got a head start, AED applications are being opened to the entire Brotherhood so if you want to apply, go for it!

*Finally on the House News agenda, my competition "Oh Hutt No!" finished up last weekend and Crescents were awarded to Timeros Entar Arconae, for first and second place went to Joseph VanWyck. So thank you guys for competing! Hope you enjoyed it.

--Of the Team-- *Not much to report here, really.

*Like I said in News of the House, VanWyck earns himself a nice Crescent for taking second in my "Oh Hutt No!" run.

*Wiki page got some new images and a more "clear-cut" set of ranks. The major differences are that not every single WG member is now an "officer". We have PFC and SGT as enlisted ranks for APP-NOV and ACO-PRT respectively.

From there, GRD-JHs are Lieutenants and DJK+ are Captains. The FL remains as a Major and the BTL as a the only CMDR. Former BTLs and former AED/QUAs are to be ranked at Colonel if they are at DJK or above and in the case of the former BTL, the members must approve.

That's really it for the news portion

++Competitions Running++ *None on the BT/House Level for the moment. *But on the Clan level we have: 1) (Rest Time)

*We have our RunOn "No Rest for the Wicked" in semi-full swing. Wolf Guard is about to meet up with Black Hammer Brigade to go and liberate Inarya and Sukhur's Legion from the spot of trouble they got themselves in.

^We have quite a few Brotherhood Competitions rolling along: 1) (Weekly Missions #1 Derelict: Fiction) 2) (Weekly Missions #2 Betrayal: Fiction) 3) (Dark Jedi Swap: Fiction) 4) (A DB Mother's Day. ALERT: Ends on Sunday!!: Graphic)

++Competitions, Finite!++

-_In Closing-_

Ok guys, some pretty solid stuff to report. A bit more activity out of all of you would really be appreciated; I know many of you are probably finishing up college exams (I just finished up mine last week) so I understand. But over the summer, spending some time with your favorite band of Dark Jedi...yes? Just a quick recap:

*Cel -> ARC PCON *Drif -> HQD QUA *Timmeh -> Crescent *VanWyck -> Crescent *Lots o' competitions *HQD AED applications open! *RO (NRFTW) still chugging along!

I'd also like to publicaly apologize for the lateness of this report (I hadn't realized my last report was all the way back on May 2nd! Time's going way to fast!) A mix of exams and some real life drama crap caused that and I just didn't let you all know because, to be honest, it slipped my mind. So I apologize. If it happens again, I'll get out a e-mail notifier!

Till Next Time, Wolves!

_Zod Ramiel Jedi Hunter Wolf Guard, Commanding.

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