Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Hey guys, time for another friendly message from your Tetrarch. I've been busy as hell lately, and figured it was time to fill you in. I spent a week at swim camp, because that is my sport and I like to think of myself as good at it. I am currently ranked fourth in my state in the 100 SCY Breastroke, with a big race with numbers three and five on Saturday. Swim camp was fun, and it was my...sixth year attending a camp, but a different camp each year. This one was actually quite a ways from home, in Tennessee.

After getting back from swim camp, my parents decided to take a week long trip to The Breakers Resort in Florida, leaving me to pretty much sort out my own sleeping accomodations. So I manuevered my way into finding bedding at a few different friend's homes, once even sleeping in a raft at the local pool :P (By the way, that pool was then broken into the following evening).

I've actually been working my ass off for the big money recently, with a current streak of working 24 consecutive days (that includes weekends!). It leaves me with very little free time, but a lot of extra cash and a sexy tan. I'm still grounded from my computer, PS3, Ipod, etc. for another two and a half months, which makes it very difficult to find time even when I'm not working. I've pretty much been getting time in once my parents go to sleep, but even that time is limited since I work all day and have to get up early.

I'm doing my best to get the whole team rolling, and I hope you guys will continue to check for updates on the wiki (link provided at the bottom). There is still a lot of great stuff cooking, and I hope you'll enjoy.

In and Out

We have a new member of Dark Orb and I hope you all give a warm welcome to...Protector Haruun Orontes! thunderous applause

Running Projects

I've still got a lot of stuff going on with the wiki, and that is my main priority right now. I am also going to be putting up a motto competition for you guys directly following the Great Hunt. Which brings us to our next topic...

The Great Hunt!!

Alright guys, here's the deal. The Great Hunt is ongoing, and I've heard reports of strong showings from the other teams. But we are out to win, and we aren't going to let this slip away, are we? We're a new team, and the scars of our closing all that time ago are still noticeable to the observant eye. Let's put any doubts to rest and bring home the championship!

The first four days are up, the first already complete. To everyone I spoke to about competing, great job so far, I'm really proud of you. To the ones who haven't responded, I hope you're doing your duty to the team, and I'd like to hear from you.


Legorii - Topaz Crescent


Great Hunt

Dark Orb Wiki

Synergy Uprising

I'll get a link out to you guys for the new motto competition as soon as it's approved.

<big>That's all for now. Good luck team, and stay tuned for the next report in a week!</big>

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