Consul Report


Consul Report

Consular Address at the halfway point of the Seventh Great Jedi War:

Scholae Palatinae!

This is a challenge to warriors both old and new - pick up your sword and join the fight! Join the fray and help show OUR Clan's might! Unless we are united, committed and active - how can we hope to last another round? It is time we pulled together, formed as a team or will we splinter when cohesiveness was not found? The Great Jedi War will test you, that I can assure. Do not let this opportunity to represent yourself and Clan pass you in a blur!

Pick up that sword you silly Krath! House Acclivis Draco, proud home of distinguished Krath, unite and show them your wrath! For your tool is more elegant, subtle and sublime... pull fresh ink across a page, detailing their very demise! House of the Dragon, ARISE!

Pick up that sword you silly Sith! House Caliburnus is no longer a forgotten story told by Elders, nor myth! You are the proud descendants of Darths, Dark Lords of the Sith... show your foes your guile, deception and wit! THIS is the time for the Lords of the Sith to show off their GRIT!

Pick up that sword you silly Obelisk! House Dorimad Sol may have passed into Legend - but you have not! You are the soldiers, masters of the blade - show them how well Scholae Palatinae steel is wrought! Show them the meaning of dexterity, strength and constitution. Our defense is on your shoulders, based on your fortuitist INTUITION!

Bring forth your skills, help us unite...

Show them that Scholae Palatinae still wants to fight...

I am, your servant,

Braecen Kaeth Kunar

_Consul of Clan Scholae Palatinae

Safeguarder of Sheep_

Braecen Kunar (Krath Pontifex) / CON-M:MAA-GC-EP / Clan Scholae Palatinae

[GMRG: RG3-G] [PA: Elder] [ACC: CE:1]

AK / SB / GC-PoDP / SC-SoA / AC-RoF / DC-GP / GN-BL / SN / BN-BL / Cr-1D-11R-18A-20S-8E-5T-1Q / PoB-AgL / CF-PlF / DSS-AuL / SI-AuL / SoL / LS-GL / S:-2R-18Al-19D-7Dk

{SA: MVN - U:TL - U:TW - G:ATW - G:L - G:CM - G:LA - G:LP - G:LF - G:IRC - G:IRC2 - G:ICQ - G:MSN - G:AIM - G:HTML1 - G:HTML2 - G:PHP1 - G:ASP1 - G:AIC - G:MED - K:CORE - K:GS - K:POET - K:AP - K:RO - O:CORE - O: MRK - S:CORE - S:ISET - S:ESET - S:TAC - G:TS - G:AL - L:PRH}

You are not what you were born, but what you have it in yourself to be...

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