Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings all,

Well, the big news is that the War is pretty much over. All that’s left is the bonus event and the remainder of the regular events which need to be graded still. The Clan is so far still holding on to 4th place. Thanks to everyone who put in the time and effort to get us there and keep us going.

House News:

With the War essentially over, it is time to get back down to normal business. This means efforts will be focused on bringing Acclivis Draco back up to where it should be. I am open to ideas and suggestions for what you want to see. The strength of the House comes from its members, all of them.

We have two Battleteams open and both need members. Drynwyn’s Flame is under the leadership of RevengeX, and Draco Conspicari is under the leadership of Thran Occasus. If you are interested in becoming a member of either team, you should be at least Acolyte in rank, and all you need to do is send a note to the Battleteam leader or myself saying why you would like to be part of that team.

Overall House activity has slowed down, but I know everyone’s tired and worn out after the War. Take time to kick back, take a deep breath and relax, you all did a great job. There will be many opportunities coming up for activity, so while I expect to see people slowing down to recover from the War; I will still be looking for the members of Acclivis Draco to remain active.

Now on to the good stuff:


GRD Libra Tzo- promoted from PRT

NOV Desmius- promoted from APP


KPN Saitou earned Dark Side Scroll x2

PRT Malaki earned Cluster of Fire

KP RevengeX Palpatine earned Cluster of Fire x16, Dark Side Scroll

KPN Cuchulain Darkblade Palpatine earned Dark Side Scroll

DJK Rasilvenaira StormRaven earned Cluster of Fire x11

New Members:

NOV Desmius


OP Warhunter transferred to Rogues


August Monthly Topics (Ends 8/30)

[HAD] Current Events (Ends 8/30)

The Heart of a Dragon (Starts 8/30)

Alright, who stole it!?? (Starts 8/30)

Battleteam Competitions:

Drynwyn's Flame Time Capsule (Starts 8/30)

Drynwyn's Flame Krayt Dragon Hunt (Starts 8/30)

Random Quote for the Week:

“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall” ~ Confucius

As always, if I missed anything, let me know.


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