Jason Hunter

Equite 2, Rogues, Force Disciple, Obelisk
Jason Hunter has collected 61 Academic Credits, with an average score of 95.91%
Jason Hunter has completed 5 degrees
Degree Date Completed
Maven - Leadership 10 Feb, 2013
Maven - Legends 10 Feb, 2013
Pundit - Essentials 9 Jun, 2015
Maven - Historical Legends 9 Jan, 2018
Savant - Legends 23 Jan, 2018
Jason Hunter has completed 41 courses
Department Course Date Completed Last Updated Score
Dark Brotherhood Fundamentals Advancement Survey 5 May, 2018 5 May, 2018 100%
Department of Lore Alchemy Studies 2 Apr, 2006 2 Apr, 2006 Complete
Department of Lore Galactic Languages 24 Jan, 2018 24 Jan, 2018 84%
Department of Lore Philosophy I: Views of the Force 22 Aug, 2006 22 Aug, 2006 Complete
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 105: Saga of Revan and Malak 9 Jan, 2018 9 Jan, 2018 89%
Department of Legends Krath Legends 11 Aug, 2002 11 Aug, 2002 Complete
Department of Legends Sith Legends 19 Sep, 2002 19 Sep, 2002 Complete
Department of Legends Obelisk Legends 4 Oct, 2002 4 Oct, 2002 Complete
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 101: Formation of the Galaxy 24 Aug, 2006 24 Aug, 2006 Complete
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 103: The Ascension of the Sith Empire 2 Sep, 2006 2 Sep, 2006 Complete
Department of Legends Guardian Legends 1 Jul, 2014 1 Jul, 2014 88%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 102: Origins of the Jedi Order 21 Dec, 2017 21 Dec, 2017 100%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 104: The Great Sith War 22 Dec, 2017 22 Dec, 2017 100%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 106: Wars of the Force 17 Jan, 2018 17 Jan, 2018 97%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 107: Rise and Fall of the Galactic Empire 21 Jan, 2018 21 Jan, 2018 100%
Department of Legends Legends Galactic History 108: Trials of the New Republic 23 Jan, 2018 23 Jan, 2018 100%
The Archives Enemy Starfighter Eng/Tech 5 Aug, 2002 5 Aug, 2002 Complete
The Archives Tarentum History 6 Feb, 2012 6 Feb, 2012 92%
The Archives Grammar Studies 5 Aug, 2002 5 Aug, 2002 Complete
The Archives Imperial Starfighters Eng/Tech 5 Aug, 2002 5 Aug, 2002 Complete
The Archives Training Saber Basics 2 Sep, 2006 2 Sep, 2006 Complete
The Archives Light Jedi History 19 Nov, 2011 19 Nov, 2011 86%
The Archives ACC Fundamentals 1 Jul, 2014 1 Jul, 2014 100%
The Archives Test of Skill 21 Jun, 2001 21 Jun, 2001 Complete
The Archives IRC Basics 2 Jul, 2014 2 Jul, 2014 100%
The Archives Leadership Rewards 30 Aug, 2014 30 Aug, 2014 82%
The Archives Planets and Stars 31 Aug, 2014 31 Aug, 2014 100%
The Archives Essentials 101: History 9 Jun, 2015 9 Jun, 2015 90%
The Archives Essentials 102: Societies 9 Jun, 2015 9 Jun, 2015 100%
The Archives Essentials 103: Orders & Disciplines 9 Jun, 2015 9 Jun, 2015 100%
The Archives Essentials 104: Ranks 9 Jun, 2015 9 Jun, 2015 90%
The Archives Essentials 105: Organization 9 Jun, 2015 9 Jun, 2015 100%
The Archives Essentials 106: Medals 9 Jun, 2015 9 Jun, 2015 100%
The Archives Trial of Acquisition 10 Dec, 2016 10 Dec, 2016 Complete
The Archives Runon Studies 29 Mar, 2004 29 Mar, 2004 Complete
The Archives Leadership Studies 19 Sep, 2002 19 Sep, 2002 Complete
The Archives Leadership Fundamentals 3 Apr, 2006 3 Apr, 2006 Complete
Character Creation & Development Wiki Basics: Character Creation 28 Aug, 2012 28 Aug, 2012 97%
Character Creation & Development Force Disciple Order Core 21 Dec, 2017 21 Dec, 2017 100%
Character Creation & Development Sith Order Core 21 Dec, 2017 21 Dec, 2017 100%
N/A Trial of Identity 13 Oct, 2005 13 Oct, 2005 Complete