Master Kamjin "Maverick" Lap'lamiz, Justicar

Elder 2, Chamber of Justice, Sith, Imperial
Total Fiction Activities
Regular Fiction
155185 words in 53 activities
1519 words in 3 posts and 1 activity
47006 words in 23 activities
Displaying fiction activity reports 71 - 79 of 79 in total
Fiction [Event Long]: The Everlasting Enemy
File submission
[The Dark Times Saga] The Everlasting Enemy (Final v2).pdf
Textual submission

Please view only the document labelled as Final v2.

The Deadly Assassin
File submission
The Deadly Assassin.pdf
The Day Of
File submission
CSP - Celebration - The Day Of.pdf
"I'll Be Home For Sithmas"
File submission
I'll Be Home For Sithmas - Kamjin's Submission v3.docx
Textual submission

Please grade version 3 which, in addition to several spelling mistakes and grammar corrections, now includes a title.

The Real Sithmas Story
File submission
The Real Sithmas Story - Kamjin's Submission v4.docx
Textual submission

Please read "A Frosty Sithmas Eve" (File: I'll Be Home For Sithmas - Kamjin's Submission v3) before reading this story for a better experience. Please judge version 5 which was updated for ease of identifying the speaker in the first two paragraphs, corrects the gender for Kazumi, and an incorrectly italicized word.