House Shar Dakhan

House of Clan Naga Sadow
For all things, a Time and Place. For all people, a Price.
About House Shar Dakhan

Shar Dakhan is one of two Houses of Clan Naga Sadow. The House's area of responsibility includes Aeotheran and Amphor.

Archpriest Quentinshadows
Showing all 13 members
Name Rank
Master Bentre Stahoes Elder 2
Master Malik Sadow Elder 2
Adept Macron Goura Sadow Elder 1
Malisane Sadow Elder 1
Jades A Sadow Equite 3
Archpriest Quentinshadows Equite 2
Scarlet Agna Equite 2
Kristeva Equite 2
Quo-Wing-Tzun Equite 1
Neophyte Arshus Wren Journeyman 3
Jinx Journeyman 2
LukeShadows Journeyman 2
Proselyte Goil Journeyman 1