Competition: Legends of a Bygone Era (trivia)

Legends of a Bygone Era (trivia)

Many stories abound concerning ancient Sith Lords, deeds of power and accomplishments that would baffle even the Grandmaster himself. Using the knowledge passed down through the ages of these old myths, stories, and legends, prove your mettle. Perhaps by reflecting on these old tales and histories we can gain some insight, or reveal some yet undiscovered wonders.

Search the histories, legends and archives to help uncover the answers. Grading will be based on number of correct answers, with time to complete the trivia being used to break any ties.

Reminder: this is timed, so don't subscribe until you are prepared to finish the course. Glory to Sadow, glory to our empire!

Competition Information
Parent Competition
Sands of Time (Clan Naga Sadow)
Organized by
Master Bentre Stahoes
Running time
2017-01-10 until 2017-01-24 (15 days)
Target Unit
Clan Naga Sadow
Competition Type
Third Level Crescents
10 subscribers, of which 10 have participated.
Epis Locke Sonjie
Subscription time
22 January 2017
Submission time
22 January 2017
Time taken
321 seconds (± 5 minutes)
Textual submission

Naga Sadow's
Ajunta Pall
Darth Maul
Count Dooku
Darth Bane
the Empress Teta System
The Star Forge
On Dxun
Anakin Skywalker
Exar Kun
Marka Ragnos
Dromuund Kass
Ajunta Pall
Urias Orian

1st place
Professor Sanguinius Tsucyra Entar
Subscription time
22 January 2017
Submission time
22 January 2017
Time taken
697 seconds (± 12 minutes)
Textual submission

1) Naga Sadow
2) Karness Muur
3) Darth Maul
4) Count Dooku
5) Darth Bane
6) Empress Teta
7) Star Forge
8) Onderon
9) Korriban
10) X-Wing
11) Anakin Skywalker
12) Exar Kun
13) Darth Andeddu
14) Massassi
15) Marka Ragnos
16) Rakata
17) Dromund Kaas
18) Ajunta Pall
19) Skere Kaan
20) Urias Orian

2nd place
3rd place
Marcus Kiriyu
Marcus Kiriyu
Subscription time
10 January 2017
Submission time
10 January 2017
Time taken
814 seconds (± 14 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Naga Sadow
2. Sorzus Syn
3. Darth Maul
4. Count Dooku
5. Bane
6. Empress Teta
7. The Star Forge
8. Below the Iziz Royal Palace
9. Korriban
10. T-65 X-Wing
11. Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader
12. Exar Kun
13. Darth Plagueis
14. Massassi
15. Marka Ragnos
16. Rakata
17. Dromund Kaas
18. Ajunta Pall
19. Skere Kaan
20. Urias Orian

3rd place
4th place
Subscription time
11 January 2017
Submission time
11 January 2017
Time taken
1367 seconds (± 23 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Naga Sadow
2. Ajunta Pall
3. Darth Maul
4. Count Dooku
5. Darth Bane
6. Empress Teta system
7. Star Forge
8. Onderon, Dxun
9. Moraband
10. X-wing
11. Anakin Skywalker
12. Exar Kun
13. Darth Plagueis
14. Massassi
15. Marka Ragnos
16. Rakata
17. Dromund Kaas
18. Ajunta Pall
19. Skere Kaan
20. Shan Long, a.k.a. Trevarus Caerick

4th place
5th place
Benn Nevis
Benn Nevis
Subscription time
14 January 2017
Submission time
14 January 2017
Time taken
3305 seconds (± about 1 hour)
Benn Nevis opted out of publishing his submission.
5th place
Vosiri Lightscrest
Subscription time
22 January 2017
Submission time
22 January 2017
Time taken
673 seconds (± 11 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Naga Sadow
2. Ajunta Pall
3. Darth Maul
4. Count Dooku
5. Darth Bane
6. Empress Teta System
7. Star Forge
8. Dxun
9. Korriban
10. Incom T-65 X-Wing
11. Anakin Skywalker
12. Exar Kun
13. Darth Plagueis
14. Massassi
15. Marka Ragnos
16. Rakata
17. Dromund Kaas
18. Darth Revan
19. Skere Kaan
20. Urias Orian

6th place
Lilith Alema'rha Versea-Stormwind
Subscription time
23 January 2017
Submission time
23 January 2017
Time taken
2138 seconds (± 36 minutes)
Textual submission

1. Naga Sadow
2. Karness Muur
3. Darth Maul
4. Count Dooku
5. Darth Bane
6. the Empress Teta system
7. Star Forge
8. Under the royal palace of Iziz on Onderon
9. Moraband
10. T65 X wing starfighter
11. Luke Skywalker
12. Freedon Nadd
13. Darth Bane
14. Massassi
15. Marka Ragnos
16. Rakata
17. Korriban
18. Ajunta Pall
19. Skere Kaan
20. Urias Orian

7th place
Tasha'Vel Versea
Subscription time
22 January 2017
Submission time
22 January 2017
Time taken
1055 seconds (± 18 minutes)
Textual submission

1.What bloodline can be traced clear down to our Clan's Overlord and founder? Naga Sadow

2.This Sith led his exiled brethren to Korriban, along with XoXaan. King Adas

3.This Zabrak Sith was the killer of Qui-Gon Jinn. Darth Maul

4.What was the public name of Darth Tyranus? Count Dooku

5.This Sith Lord is attributed with creating the Rule of Two. Darth Bane

6.Where did Aleema and Satal Keeto begin their Krath cult, according to legend? Empress Teta system.

7.What ancient dark-side construct was sought out by Darth Revan and his apprentice? Star Forge

8.Where was the tomb of Freedon Nadd located? Yavin 4

9.This planet is known as the ancient home of the Sith. Ziost

10.What ship did Luke Skywalker use according to the old stories to destroy the first Death Star? X-wing

11.This individual brought balance to the Force according to prophecy- a "Chosen One". ANakin Skywalker

12.This Sith Lord took a fallen Ulic Qel-Droma as his apprentice. Freedom Nadd

13.This ancient Sith was rumored to know how to prevent those he loved from dying. "Darth Plagueis"

14.What race of humanoids were said to have built the temples on Yavin IV? Massassi

15.The spirit of this Sith oversaw the duel between Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow for the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith. Marka Ragnos

16.The Infinite Empire of legend was ruled over by what race? Rakata

17.What world of legend was said to be the capital of the ancient Sith Empire during the storied Great Galactic War? Korriban

18.This exiled Jedi was said to have formed the Sith Empire, becoming the first Dark Lord of the Sith. Ajunta Pall

19.This exiled Jedi of legend would form the Brotherhood of Darkness, an organization later destroyed by Darth Bane. Skere Kaan

20.This Sith Lord created the Star of Ombus. Darth Bane

8th place
Ashia Kagan Keibatsu
Subscription time
24 January 2017
Submission time
24 January 2017
Time taken
2028 seconds (± 34 minutes)
Textual submission

1.What bloodline can be traced clear down to our Clan's Overlord and founder?
Naga Sadow’s

2.This Sith led his exiled brethren to Korriban, along with XoXaan.
Ajunta Pall

3.This Zabrak Sith was the killer of Qui-Gon Jinn.
Darth Maul

4.What was the public name of Darth Tyranus?
Count Dooku

5.This Sith Lord is attributed with creating the Rule of Two.
Darth Bane

6.Where did Aleema and Satal Keeto begin their Krath cult, according to legend?

7.What ancient dark-side construct was sought out by Darth Revan and his apprentice?
Mandalore’s Mask

8.Where was the tomb of Freedon Nadd located?

9.This planet is known as the ancient home of the Sith.

10.What ship did Luke Skywalker use according to the old stories to destroy the first Death Star?

11.This individual brought balance to the Force according to prophecy- a "Chosen One".
Anakin Skywalker (aka Darth Vader)

12.This Sith Lord took a fallen Ulic Qel-Droma as his apprentice.
Exar Kun

13.This ancient Sith was rumored to know how to prevent those he loved from dying.
Darth Plagueis

14.What race of humanoids were said to have built the temples on Yavin IV?
Naga Sadow

15.The spirit of this Sith oversaw the duel between Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow for the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.
Marka Ragnos

16.The Infinite Empire of legend was ruled over by what race?

17.What world of legend was said to be the capital of the ancient Sith Empire during the storied Great Galactic War?

18.This exiled Jedi was said to have formed the Sith Empire, becoming the first Dark Lord of the Sith.
Darth Revan

19.This exiled Jedi of legend would form the Brotherhood of Darkness, an organization later destroyed by Darth Bane.
Skere Kaan

20.This Sith Lord created the Star of Ombus.
Shan Long

9th place
10th place
Subscription time
11 January 2017
Submission time
11 January 2017
Time taken
353 seconds (± 6 minutes)
Textual submission

1.What bloodline can be traced clear down to our Clan's Overlord and founder? Sons of Sadow
2.This Sith led his exiled brethren to Korriban, along with XoXaan. Malgus
3.This Zabrak Sith was the killer of Qui-Gon Jinn. Darth Maul
4.What was the public name of Darth Tyranus? Count Dooku
5.This Sith Lord is attributed with creating the Rule of Two. Markus Ragnos
6.Where did Aleema and Satal Keeto begin their Krath cult, according to legend?
7.What ancient dark-side construct was sought out by Darth Revan and his apprentice? Star Map
8.Where was the tomb of Freedon Nadd located? Korriban
9.This planet is known as the ancient home of the Sith. Droman Kass
10.What ship did Luke Skywalker use according to the old stories to destroy the first Death Star? X-Wing
11.This individual brought balance to the Force according to prophecy- a "Chosen One". Anikan Skywalker
12.This Sith Lord took a fallen Ulic Qel-Droma as his apprentice. Darth Sidious
13.This ancient Sith was rumored to know how to prevent those he loved from dying. Plagueous
14.What race of humanoids were said to have built the temples on Yavin IV? Anasi
15.The spirit of this Sith oversaw the duel between Ludo Kressh and Naga Sadow for the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith.
16.The Infinite Empire of legend was ruled over by what race? Ruttka
17.What world of legend was said to be the capital of the ancient Sith Empire during the storied Great Galactic War? Korriban
18.This exiled Jedi was said to have formed the Sith Empire, becoming the first Dark Lord of the Sith.
19.This exiled Jedi of legend would form the Brotherhood of Darkness, an organization later destroyed by Darth Bane.
20.This Sith Lord created the Star of Ombus.

10th place